Course image Sound and Image Scapes
International Semester
The contemporary digital picture is characterized by an intense and diverse audio and visual production, often combined, resulting in objects and creative emanations that populate and reorganize our daily environments, creating new sound and imagery landscapes. These are expressed through classical and newer artistic and media languages, but also through emerging modes of communication, translating into events such as concerts, performances, multimedia shows, films, rehearsal films, photographs, exhibitions, installations, games, djing and vjing, live cinema, urban space animation, media art, locative media, guerrilla arts, among others, presented in presence or on screens, or by combining the two possibilities.

In any area of professional knowledge and mastery, it is essential today to understand this scenario of image production, because it is necessary to recognize and decode the surrounding stimuli and codes of meaning, but also, and predominantly, because professionals are also urged, to build communication products with these characteristics in their diverse areas of activity (pedagogical materials, objects of information and journalistic and business communication, products of sociocultural intervention, etc.). In this context, the UC proposes the following learning objectives:

1. Recognize and analyse the contemporary modalities of symbolic production mentioned above;

2. Provide students with instruments aimed at recognizing and understanding those modes of symbolic production, as well as the mechanisms for the construction of an object that can be framed there, given the clear identification of an objective of institutional or personal expression and intended for multiple uses and contexts (artistic, educational, business, social intervention);

3. Design, execute and produce sound and visual landscapes through the elaboration of a project;

4. Integrate arts and technology into the production of original community content that stimulates and values creativity.